Safety is a key concern during the construction of any institution, especially where the protection of young lives is concerned. We worked alongside ADCO Constructions to specify a structural passive fire solution that included the application of fire-retardant board, vermiculite spray and intumescent paint to beams and columns. Given the vertical design of the building, effective passive fire protection was of particular importance. The methods used must ensure anyone in the building, especially on the upper floors, has enough time to escape safely in the event of a fire.
After our application of Promat fire-proof materials to the structure, we were asked to perform a passive fire audit of the works completed before we were on site. During the audit, we detected over 400 defects that needed correcting. After detailing the issues with the project manager, we were contracted to rectify the issues and perform a final penetrations audit and centralised register to ensure the necessary fire-rating was achieved.
When complete, the new campus will be a state-of-the-art vertical school that will increase McKinnon Secondary College’s capacity, allowing between 650 and 1,100 extra students. It is also completely certified fire-safe due to PROFINISH’s quality assurance processes and commitment to address any fire safety problems across all projects.
Image credits: ADCO Constructions and H20 Architects